Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Current Reality

Just to give everyone a small update on my life. This past weekend my parents went to a town in East TN where they met with the personnel committee of a church. They met with them on Saturday, and on Sunday dad preached. Dad was basically told that if he preached well, it was pretty much a done deal. We shall see. The committee is supposed to meet tonight (wednesday) and call dad with a verdict. I will keep you posted on that.

As for me, I really don't know. I jus keep thinking to myself "didn't we just do this? did we not just move from kentucky to atlanta thinking that THIS is where God wanted us?" WHAT IS GOING ON? Well, I do have a choice about whether or not I am going to move. I can stay here with my aunt and uncle and live with them and go to school. I just don't know. Once again I am waiting on a giant billboard to magically appear and say "SHEA, DO THIS." Alas, that is probably not going to happen, sad day. So, that is where I stand in my life today. When that changes, I will let you know. Until next time everybody, remember: It's not real, it's just reality.

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