Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Wow! It has been such a long time since I last blogged and so much has changed! For starters, I am no longer driving back and forth between ATL and Augusta. This past weekend was my last, this upcoming weekend I am going to Acquire the Fire with my Dads' church's youth group, and the following Tuesday, hopefully, I will be on the schedule at my new Kroger!!! Classes are going well; I have had several Spanish quizzes that I have done really well on, my Communications class is going well, and my Science class sucks. All in all, life is good! It's nice to be here in Augusta, where I am closer to my parents, but I also have a HUGE support system here in Augusta and that makes my life so much better.

The other day, I was in ATL at an outlet mall with a friend of mine, when we went to get into my car and the remote would not work. We opened the car old school (with a key!!) only to discover that the automatic door locks would not work, nor would the automatic trunk release. The car itself would not turn on. Nothing worked. Naturally, I was a little panicked! A woman next to us was kind enough to let us jump off my car with her's, and then things started working properly. Turns out, my battery is showing signs off needing replacing, Goody!!!! The good thing is, now I have people I can call next time who can come to my rescue. Once again, life is good!

Of course, this also means it's time to crack down on the weightloss. I have plumped back up in the last 2 months since I have been eating mostly fast food during the weekends. So, no more fast food, I have to start exercising regularly, and I have to start demonstrating self-control when it comes to my Grandma's cooking!! Wish me luck!

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