Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Times!!!

Today was a good day! My family came up from South Carolina to see my cousins, Sam and Jack, play t-ball. As usual, that made for a pretty good show. Between Jack demonstrating "excessive celebration" after getting out (he was tagged just as he reached home plate but he touched home plate anyway immediately followed by fist-pumping into the air) and Sam flipping off the crowd (he was trying to say we were number 1, but that's not the msg that comes across when one uses one's middle finger to say "number 1"), we all had a pretty good time. Oh yeah, and they won! After, we all went to have lunch, and parted ways so that the boys could take a nap, my Aunt could go do a photo shoot, and my family and me could go outlet mall shopping. I got a little of my Christmas shopping out of the way; my brother picked out some clothes for himself, and I bought myself a late birthday/early Christmas present. It is beautiful, and now I think I know what I am getting my mom for Christmas. Ahhh, Christmas, my favorite holiday! I like receiving, no doubt, but I also really like the giving, and even more...the shopping!!! So, again, today was a very good day!!

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